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April 11, 2023 4 min read

If your baby has outgrown their Stage 1 DockATot Deluxe (0-8+ mths) and you are now wondering how you’ll get by without your trusty dock, fear not! Due to popular demand, DockATot created a Stage 2 Grand DockATot for older babies and toddlers (9-36 mths) to enjoy.

Here are some great benefits your family can enjoy when upgrading to our DockATot Grand.


1. Quiet Time

When older babies drop their daytime sleep, it can be hard on parents trying to last the day with energetic toddlers. Introducing an afternoon quiet time can often be a lifesaver. Simply choose a few of your baby’s favourite toys and books, set up a little spot with the Grand and your baby will happily entertain themselves for a period of time.

Playing some soft, slow music during this time can work as a helpful reminder that it's quiet time (although be aware, toddlers will be toddlers!). The Grand dock can also just offer a great spot to catch some rest if it's been a big day!


2. Portable Sleep Solution for Family Travel

The Grand DockATot is lightweight and portable, allowing your older baby to nap anywhere on the go. Taking the Grand DockATot with you on family holidays offers your baby a familiar and comforting sleep environment. This will promote good rest and decrease unsettled times even when your family is out of routine. When children sleep well, everyone’s happy!

The Grand Dock is also perfect for sleepovers at grandma's house or with friends. We have also designed a grand-sized Travel Tote to protect your dock on route! 

"This product is a must if you travel with your little one! Traveling used to throw off our daughter's sleep schedule but now she sleeps soundly when away from home! What a lifesaver." ~ Miriam W.


3. Cozy Movie Station

The Grand Dock will likely become your toddler’s new hot spot for family movie nights. Make it extra cozy by layering with comfy blankets and pillows and the DockATot will transform into the perfect lounging spot. This is particularly helpful in the early mornings when your child is still sleepy (and you are trying to get some extra zz's) or at night, as they are winding down. 


4. Picnic Spot

With our handy Base Protector and Travel Tote it's now even easier to grab your Grand and enjoy a cozy picnic together as a family. Your little one will have a familiar and comfy spot to sit and eat. Even if they get tired while out and about, they can have a little nap without you having to leave your event.


5. Story Time Nook

There's nothing better than snuggling up with your child to read some books! Pop your DockATot Grand down, choose a handful of your toddler’s favourite books and get cozy. Once they are able to read or enjoy flicking through pictures, this will be a sweet spot where happy family memories are made! 

"My daughter loves the DockATot Grand! She uses it to relax, read and play... Wish I knew about it in the beginning!" ~ Kristyn F.


6. Play Time

The DockATot Grand creates a special sense of personal space for your toddler. Whether just hanging out, watching TV, playing with their toys or just being close to you while you work, your toddler will be happy cozying up in their own Grand. While your child is content lounging in their dock, you will enjoy the handsfree moments to get things done around the house.

"We love it! Our son plays and naps in it! It frees my hands and keeps him happily entertained with his toys in it." ~ Kathleen W.

7. Big Bed Transition

This is one of most popular ways parent use their DockATot Grand! Unlike our DockATot Deluxe baby lounger, our Stage 2 Grand can be used for overnight sleeping and is a wonderful tool to use when transitioning from a cot into a big kid bed. The Grand DockATot eases the transition creating a snug sense of security. The built-in bumpers also help prevent your toddler from rolling out of their new big bed.

If you are struggling to transition your little one into their own room, perhaps first try using the Grand DockATot on the floor in your room and after a few nights, try moving your child into their bedroom using the comfort and familiarity of the Grand in their new big-kid bed.

"Our one year old daughter just transitioned to sleeping in her own room and the DockATot Grand made it SO much easier. She was so used to snuggling up... when we got our Dock, she felt just as surrounded and cuddled as she did before." ~ Lauren W.


DockATot toddler lounger bed


With many more ways to get more out of your DockATot Grand, we hope this selection has sparked some ideas for you! The hardest thing to do will be choosing a colour from our beautiful selection.

If you're unsure which DockATot is perfect for your baby, here's a blog to help you... DockATot Sizing - Why Size Really Does Matter


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