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May 26, 2023 2 min read

When it comes to providing your newborn with a safe and cozy environment, the DockATot baby lounger has quickly become a go-to choice for parents worldwide.

To help you make the most of your DockATot, we've compiled a comprehensive guide that not only covers the basics of caring for your DockATot but also provides expert tips for long-term maintenance and care. 


DockATot Safety Guidelines


Discover how you can ensure the longevity of your DockATot while keeping your baby comfortable and secure.

  1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Keeping your DockATot clean is essential for your baby's health and comfort. Disassemble the Dock into its constituent parts: outer cover, pad, inner sleeve, and inner tube. Wash each part separately according to the specific care instructions provided on the care label of your DockATot. Wash the parts with similar colors and consider using a garment bag for added protection. Unless otherwise directed on the care label, avoid tumble drying, ironing, bleaching, or dry cleaning.

  2. Proper Ventilation and Drying: To maintain a fresh and hygienic environment, it's important to ventilate your DockATot regularly. After washing, ensure that all parts are fully dry before reassembling and using the lounger. This prevents the growth of mold or unpleasant odors.

  3. Sunning for Odor Elimination: In addition to regular cleaning, sunning your DockATot can help eliminate odors and freshen up the lounger. Remove the cover and place the lounger in indirect sunlight for a few hours. Remember to follow the specific care instructions provided on the care label.

  4. Storage and Travel: Proper storage and transportation are crucial for preserving the quality of your DockATot. When not in use or during travel, disassemble the Dock and store the parts in a protective storage bag or use the original packaging. This ensures that the lounger remains clean and undamaged.

  5. Safety Considerations: Safety is paramount when using the DockATot. Refer to the care instructions and safety information located at the bottom of your DockATot for specific guidelines. Always place the lounger on a flat and stable surface, away from edges or potential hazards. Supervise your baby during use and avoid using the lounger in a crib or other confined spaces.

  6. Regular Inspections: To guarantee the longevity of your DockATot, conduct routine checks for loose threads, wear and tear, or damaged parts. Address any issues promptly by contacting the manufacturer for guidance and support.


EXTRA TIP: Unsure how to remove and replace your DockATot Cover? Check out this easy how-to video.



By following these expert tips for long-term maintenance and care, you have all the tools you need to keep your DockATot at its best.

Please refer to the care instructions and safety information on your DockATot for specific guidance.

Wishing you many cosy moments with your baby in the DockATot!


As Loved By Over 1+ Million Parents...

Read more parent reviews here and discover 25 Ways the DockATot can help you each day.

More than just a lounger, DockATot is a must-have baby essential, soothing and settling babies, offering parents hands-free moments and the freedom to juggle parent life calmly. 

Shop now and say hello to your extra set of hands!

Multi-Functional Baby Lounger 



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