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November 13, 2022 3 min read

As a new parent you are naturally on the lookout for ways to keep your little one entertained while in the comfort of your home. 

We've put together some easy DIY activities to stimulate your baby or toddler's senses and satisfy their need for exploration!


1. Sensory Play

Sensory play is critical for babies’ brain development. You will also enjoy watching as your child discovers new textures and learns about cause and effect, all while having tons of fun. 

And where better than to get stuck into some sensory play than in your own backyard! A tray of rice and some utensils will keep older babies fascinated for ages. Help toddlers thread pasta onto string to practice their fine motor skills. 

sensory play

For smaller babies, put together a simple treasure basket and let them lie comfortably in their DockATot outside as they explore the different colours and textures. You don’t need to make anything fancy. Pine cones, wooden spoons, colourful paper, bangles - anything like this offers them new shapes and textures to discover just be mindful of choking hazards. 

On sunny days, little babies can join the fun outdoors whilst keeping sheltered from the elements with a Cabana Kit. Protect their eyes and delicate skin with the kit’s 50+ SPF shade and keep your Deluxe+ DockATot baby lounger clean with the waterproof base protector.

sensory play for babies

2. Scavenger Hunt

It just takes five minutes to set-up a little scavenger hunt and it’s one of those outdoor playdate ideas that preschoolers just love! Draw some pictures of objects and creatures they might find outside - a leaf, a stone, a flower, a butterfly etc. - and little boxes for them to tick them off once they find them. If art isn’t your forte, you can find plenty of free scavenger hunt printables online to use. 

sensory play ideas

3. Backyard Safari

In a similar vein to a scavenger hunt, little ones love a backyard safari! Hide a few stuffed animals around the garden (make it obvious if they’re really young) and hand them a pair of toy binoculars to see what they can find on safari. If they're old enough to understand lists, you could encourage them to tick off animals they find on a chart - a good test of your drawing skills too!

The Small Folk

4. Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Set up a few dolls and teddies on a blanket in the garden with some toy food and plates. It’s so magical for little ones to discover all their teddies have ventured outside for a picnic! If you've got a play tent and cushions, perhaps also mover them outside to extend the play and really spark your child’s imagination.

sensory play for toddlers

5. Bubbles

Bubbles provide hours of fun for babies and toddlers. They’re also great for helping babies develop visual tracking skills, gross motor movement (as they move their head to follow the bubbles or crawl after them) and fine motor skills (as they try to grasp the wand for themselves). Blowing bubbles onto a shallow tray of water in front of your baby can also add a whole new dimension of fun to tummy time.

baby play ideas

6. Playdates On The Go

Parents find it useful to take a baby nest out and about with you to give baby a place to lounge whilst you attend to older children or drink a warm cup of coffee. And as we spend more time outside, we’re always looking for ways to make your life simpler. 

Our On The Go collection offers practical solutions and accessories that make life out and about with a baby that bit easier. Keep your dock clean and dry with a water resistant base protector; use the Getaway Tote to transport your dock around with ease; and keep all your nappy-changing essentials close to hand with DockATot’s all-in-one portable clutch changer.


Discover DockATot’s On The Go Collection

outdoor play ideas

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