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June 06, 2022 4 min read

At the heart of DockATot is the safety of families and their tiniest members. We have compiled a list of guidelines to help keep you and your family safe. 

Please note that like all baby nests, our DockATot Deluxe is designed as a temporary space for your baby to lounge under direct supervision.


Bare Is Best


When it comes to a baby’s resting environment, bare is best for the first year.
This means that there should be no blankets, pillows or other objects in the baby’s resting space.

The DockATot Deluxe should be kept out of the cot, bassinet or play yard and should have no loose blankets on, over or under the dock. If your baby needs extra warmth, consider using a sleeping bag, tight swaddle or an extra clothing layer.


Keep Baby On Back


Newborns tend to fall asleep anywhere and at anytime so babies should only be placed on their back to rest and lounge for their first year of life.

Aside from tummy time, babies less than one year of age should always be placed on their back in the DockATot Baby Nest. To keep baby entertained while lounging on their back, consider using a play gym like our Toy Arch Set.


Be Present while using a Baby Lounger


It’s important that you directly supervise your baby at all times when they are lounging in the DockATot Deluxe. You should never leave your baby unattended while in the lounger regardless if they are playing, resting, napping or doing tummy time.

You never know when your baby will become mobile. The DockATot Deluxe Baby Lounger is not a bassinet, play yard, or cot – it does not have high sides to contain the baby.


Keep on a Firm and Flat Surface


DockATot is multi‑functional and super easy to use in many locations. Our baby lounger should only be placed on a firm, flat and stable surface from which the baby cannot fall.


Never Carry Baby in Dock


Babies and children should not be carried while inside the DockATot. While docks themselves are portable, they are not designed for carrying children. If you want to transport your dock, remove your child before moving the dock.


Toddler Transition with the Grand Dock


When your child is otherwise ready to use a toddler or big kid‑sized bed, the Grand DockATot can be used as a transitioning tool. The built-in sides of our Grand will stop your child from rolling out of bed and provide a familiar space for them to rest and play.

Before using a dock in a toddler or big kid‑sized bed, be sure the child can safely climb in and out of the dock and bed on their own, and also be sure to child‑proof their room.


Only Use while Fully Assembled


Our DockATots must only be used when fully assembled and zipped up. Do not remove inside contents and use them alone. Loose parts can present a suffocation hazard.


The Perfect Spot for Supervised Tummy Time


The DockATot Deluxe is an ideal spot to watch your little one spend active time on their tummies. To practice safe tummy time, you must directly supervise your baby.

Place the baby near the head of the dock with their arms over the edge and either sing and talk in-front of them or place a toy or mirror to keep them engaged. Never place your baby on their tummy to rest. See here for our Crash Course in Tummy Time.


Safe Sleep Guidelines

The safest place for your baby to sleep is on their back on a clean, firm mattress in a cot or bassinet. We do not recommend using our DockATot Deluxe baby nest for overnight sleeping or any period of unsupervised sleep, they should instead be moved to their cot or bassinet.

You can read more about the most up-to-date safe sleep practices on the Red Nose Website.


Not sure what to use our DockATot Baby Nest for? Here are 50 fun, practical ways that families love to use their DockATot. 



Simplifying life for new parents, DockATot is your extra set of hands.

The multi-functional DockATot is the perfect place for your baby to lounge, play, rest, cuddle, and enjoy  tummy time. The DockATot is here for you no matter where the day takes you! Created to mimic the womb and voted as a must-have baby product, parents and babies around the world love DockATot.

From parents who know:

"Life saver! No matter if we are home or out and about, we always take our DockATot with us. So easy for on the go and also easy to clean." - Alexia D

"My little girl absolutely loves her DockATot! Would 100% recommend this to anyone having a baby. Sadie has excellent naps and I do believe this is one of the reasons why." - Carmen F 

"This has honestly been my lifesaver post c-section. The DockATot means I can have him next to me all the time and not move around too much." - Meagan L

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