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May 06, 2024 5 min read

The ‘fourth trimester’ naturally places you at the epicentre of your baby’s needs. As you welcome your long-awaited baby into your life, it can be hard to find time for yourself as a new mum. This special season however is just as much about welcoming new life as it is about providing space and support for you to heal and regather your energy after birth.

Your entry into motherhood will be marked by the blurring of night and day. The passing of your time will be measured by the cadence of your baby's feeds and sleeps. And in this sweet new born bubble, self-care may not be at the forefront of your mind as a new mother.

It is worth pausing however to consider the value of looking after our own health and well-being during the newborn phase. When we ourselves are 'full', our energy flows outward and overflows positively into our families to help create loving environments for our families to be nurtured and grow well in. By caring for your own wellbeing, you set in motion a nurturing cycle for your whole family and establish a healthy pattern of love and care for your children to follow.

As you learn the new rhythms of motherhood, it is natural to need an extra set of hands or a couple of extra hours in the day. We appreciate new parent-life often only affords short opportunities, so we have tailored these 'refuelling' suggestions to be slotted in as those bursts appear.

Newborn Stage with DockATot

1 - Go for Gentle Walks

Getting out into the fresh air for a quick walk can do wonders for our mental and physical health. Try breathing deeply as you walk to help reduce stress, calm your nerves and lower pain levels.


2 - Nourish Yourself

Take time to nourish yourself with nutrient-dense foods to help heal your body. Protein rich foods are important to help recovery post-partum and replenish your iron stores. And remember to stay well hydrated....especially if you are breastfeeding.

 DockATot Baby Lounger Picnic


3 - Leave Technology Behind 

Embark on a digital detox, say goodbye to socials and practise living in the moment. Research has discovered people enjoyed improved mental wellbeing and greater social connectedness after unplugging from social media for just one week. The newborn stage is fleeting...soak it in.


4 - Practise Yoga, Pilates or Meditation

Sooth your mind, body and soul with some light stretches and mindfulness. 

Got 20 minutes and need some workout inspiration? Grab and mat and check out the Postpartum Pilates Workout Class with Dani Capps from VIVA Pilates here!

 20 Minute Postpartum Pilates Workout Class with Dani Capps from VIVA Pilates


5 - Enjoy a Gentle Swim

If you have access to a pool, take a gentle and refreshing swim. Gentle exercise will help restore your muscle strength and improve your mood. Be sure you have healed post-partum before visiting any public baths.


6 - Sit in the Sun and Breathe the Salty Air

Find a peaceful beach and and breathe in the salty air, a practice long recognised for strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation. If you don't live close to a beach, take a moment in your backyard or in a park. Spending time in nature is proven to have a calming effect and the extra dose of vitamin D will also help boost your immune system and sense of wellbeing.


Poolside with DockATot Baby Lounger and Cabana Kit Sunshade

7 - Grab a Coffee with a Friend

A simple coffee with a friend can be much more than a great excuse to get out of the house. Socialising with others will help energise you and may help stave off post-natal depression. (And yes, that slice of cake is a great idea!)


8 - Do Something that Brings You Joy

Baking, reading, gardening, phoning a friend – do something simple that brings you joy and happiness. 


Gardening with DockATot Baby Lounger


9 - Say No

Remember it's okay to say no, there will always be another opportunity to see your friend or go for dinner. Make a resolution to not accept visitors if the timing doesn't suit your family. Protect your space mama!


10 - Listen to a Podcast

Find one you love and play it in the background as you feed, do the dishes, laundry, dinner. It’s a great way to multi-task with your baby. Find some of our top picks here

 New Mama and New Baby


11 - Wash Your Face

Simple, quick, and easy. Sometimes all it takes to feel like yourself for a moment is doing your skincare ritual. 


12 - Soak in a Hot Bath

Take a hot bath and enjoy a momentary pause at the end of the day. Light a candle and relax in the silence and calm. Studies also show a hot soak promotes wound healing due to increased blood circulation and reduces inflammation. 

 New mum bath time with DockATot


13 - Download a Mindfulness App

Calm is one of the tops mindfulness apps on the market, and a personal favourite of mine.


14 - Book a Mama Date

Make a date with one of your new mama friends to help encourage each of you to make time for yourselves. Catching up with other new mums can help you build your tribe and help you remember you are not alone in this new parenting journey.


15 essential self-care tips for busy mums

15 - Wash and Brush your Hair

It still amazes me how this tiny thing can make such a big difference. If you trust your other half, get them to brush your hair and just truly immerse yourself in it!

16 - Get your Nails Done

It is a lovely and relaxing 20 mins of your day and you’ll have beautiful nails afterwards.

New Mum Self Care with DockATot Baby Lounger


17 - Indulge in a Facemask

We love a good facemask, and with plenty available for at home application there really is no excuse to not do a cheeky self-care session.


18 - Listen to Music

Listening to music with a beat slower than a human heart beat (60 sec per minute) has been proven to have a calming effect. Make a Spotify Playlist of calming tunes you and your baby will both enjoy....you can reach for these any time baby is fussing.


Simple Daily Self-Care Ideas For Mothers


19 - Change it Up

Visiting a favourite restaurant with your newborn may feel like more effort than it's worth, but sometimes a simple scene change can be just as refreshing. Try simply taking your dinner out onto the balcony or set a picnic in your own backyard. 


20 - Speak Positive Words

Making peace with being needed 24/7 takes time, patience and self-awareness. During this important season of growth, encourage yourself with positive affirmations to increase your self confidence and self acceptance as a new parent.

Repeat these words daily, 'I care for myself so I can care for others.'


15 self-care ideas for exhausted parents - DockATot

Self-care doesn’t have to be difficult. Simply focus on creating patterns of rest and rejuvenation, no matter how short the moments are. And remember, above all, parenting teaches us to surrender...so try not to stress when your long-awaited 'self care' moment is unexpectedly and abruptly interrupted by a crying baby. Take time out to respond to your baby. Another relaxing moment will come again...

Enjoy hands-free moments and say hello to your extra set of hands with the DockATot Baby Nest. Re-inventing the womb to soothe and settle your baby handsfree, DockATot provides a safe place for your baby to lounge and creates some valuable space for you to enjoy some self-care moments in your daily rhythm.

Explore the range of award-winning baby and parenting essentials!

Shop Baby Nests AustraliaShop Nursing and Breasfeeding Pillows in AustraliaGrand DockATot Toddler LoungerShop Baby Sleeping Bags AustraliaShop Baby Loungers Australia 

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