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December 21, 2021 2 min read


If you're celebrating this year as new parents, congratulations on welcoming your baby earthside. Celebrating New Years might look slightly different this year to ones past with your new little addition. With this in mind, we've put our heads together and come up with some fun ways you can bring in the new year with your baby.

1. PJ Party

Get matching pajamas for your family and take some fun family pictures.

2. Staycation

Plan a staycation for your family where you can see the fireworks from your hotel room and order room-service. 

3. Cooking Together

Spend the evening cooking your favourite meal while your little one lounges in their DockATot

4. Host a Daytime Party

Host a noon year's eve party and countdown during the day with some other families and their youngest ones. 

5. Family Movie Night

Celebrate the year you had together as a family and watch all of the videos you made during the year. Make some plans for the year ahead! 

6. Plan for the Year Ahead

Write down some fun goals you'd like to achieve or adventures you'd like to go on in the New Year.

7. Time Capsules

Start a yearly tradition by making time capsules for your family to look back on each year. Include anything that you want! Perhaps the things you were most proud of, funny moments or milestones that will make you smile each year moving forward.

8. Movie Marathon

Movie marathon night watching old classics as your baby lounges next to you in their DockATot.

9. Dance Party

If you've got older babies, why not set up a fun little dance party and spend some time dancing and laughing together as a family.

10. Fancy Night In

Get dressed up, baby too, and order in your favourite food for dinner and just spend some quality phone-free time with your loves.


Regardless of how you spend your New Years this year, we hope you have a beautiful time welcoming in the New Year and we hope next year brings you joy.



Simplifying life for new parents, DockATot is your extra set of hands.

The multi-functional DockATot is the perfect place for your baby to lounge, play, rest, cuddle, and enjoy  tummy time. The DockATot is here for you no matter where the day takes you! Created to mimic the womb and voted as a must-have baby product, parents and babies around the world love DockATot.

From parents who know:

"Life saver! No matter if we are home or out and about, we always take our DockATot with us. So easy for on the go and also easy to clean." - Alexia D.

"Best baby investment ever - worth every dollar! Extremely versatile and handy, it's like having an extra set of hands. My boy Quinton absolutely loves his DockAtot. Time to upgrade to the Grand soon." - Anna D.

"This has honestly been my lifesaver post c-section. The DockATot means I can have him next to me all the time and not move around too much." - Meagan L.


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